Thursday 17 December 2015

Are you making Dua for your Parents ?

There is no doubt about it that every single parents in this world makes dua for his/her every single child for good health , for cure against diseases , for increase in business , increase in education and list goes on.

But the question is do we make dua for our parents on regular basis , in each and every single salah ?. We are busy in all sort of activities in social media that we even fail to say salam to them. We love them but at the same time the reality is we feel embarrassed when we were accompanied by our parents. Just take a second to step back and reflect: the one who taught you how to walk, eat, speak .

Let me tell you one Hadith. Once Hazrat Musa Alayhis Salam asked Allah Taa'la, “Who will be with me in paradise? Allah Taa'la replied, “Such and such person, a butcher he will be. Hazarat Musa Alayhis Salam was curious to know which deed it is which will make him a neighbour of a Prophet, so he went to spend the day with him to find out what deed it was, so he found out that every day after work he used to go home and clean his mothers waste and feed her food. Upon this, his mother used to make dua for him that may Allah make you the neighbour of a Prophet.


The Hadith, Which Hafiz Al-Mumdhari Has Related In Targhib Wa Tarhib: He Says I We Went To A Tribe, There’s Was A Tomb Near This Tribe and After Asr This Grave Opened, And He Says, A Man Came Out Of This Grave, His Head Was Part Of A Donkey and His Body Was Part Of A Human Being, He Came Out Of The Grave, He HEE-HORD 3 Times Like A Donkey, 3 Times He HEE-HORD Like A Donkey, And After This, He Went Back Inside The Grave and The Grave Closed. He Says: I Asked The Locals, With Regards To This Individual, As To Who He Was and Why God Was Punishing Him In This Manner? So He Says: That The Locals Inform Me That This Young Individual, He Would Take Alcohol, He Would Drink, He Had The Habit Of Drinking and When He Would Drink Too Much and He Return Home In Evening To His Mother, Just As Our Mothers Do, You Know When We’re Out and Having A Good Night, Haven’t Told Our Mothers, Our Mothers Are Sleepless, They Not Even Sleeping, They’re Waiting For Us Inside Their Homes, You Know Fearing With Regards To Our Well Being, Are We OK? Where Are We? They Waiting There, My Friends,His Mother Would Do The Same, When He Would Return and She Would See Him Intoxicated, To Save Him From Jahannam, And The Fire Of Hell and Punishment Of The Akhira, She Would Give Her Son Naseeha & She Would Say To Her Son: Oh My Son, ITTAQULLAH, Fear God Stay Well Away From This Thing, This Is The Mother Of All Evils, Oh My Son, Its A Filthy Thing, Its From The Shaitaan. Oh My Son, If You Want Success, If You Want To Go To Paraside Then Dont Even Go Near This, Oh My Son, Do You Not Realise, That The Shaitaan Threw This and Wants To Stop You From The Dhikr Of God and Wants To Stop You From Prayer,When She Would Give Her Son Naseeha In This Manner, You Know What He Would Do? He Would Turn Around To His Mom, And Say: “OH MOM, STOP HEE-HOOING LIKE A DONKEY” He Would Say: “STOP HEE-HOOING LIKE A DONKEY” You Know What, The Exact Same Thing Happends Today. This Particular Individual Used These Words, My Friends, We Use Words Which Are Rife In This Day In Age, Which Are No Difference To The Words That He Used, What Do Youngsters Turn Around To Their Mothers and Fathers Say? When Their Mother and Father, Are Saving Them From Jahannam and The Fire Of Hell and They Giving Him Naseeha, What Do Their Sons, Turn Around To Their Mother and Father and Say?: Oh Mother, Get Of My Back, You’re Always Breathing Down Upon Me, You Dont Give Me A Chance To Breathe, You’re Always Coming On Top Of Me, Give Me A Chance To Breathe, Give Me My Own Space, Give Me My Freedom, Stay Out Of My Life. This Is What Youngsters Utters Today, My Friends, There Is No Difference Between This and What That Individual Uttered At That Time, Those Words Were Rife At That Time, These Words Are Rife At This Time, REMEMBER, After Asr That Individual Died, And After Asr God Punished Him In Such A Manner, That His Head Was Turned Into A Donkey, He Is The One That Comes Out Of The Grave and He HEE-HOs Like A Donkey.

Duas for Our Dearest Parents

1.  So let’s make a dua that Allah blesses all parents, past and present with Jannah. May Allah grant us the patience to deal patiently with them in their old age as they dealt patiently with us when we were small and young. May Allah always bless them and reward them for loving and protecting us. No-one is perfect. But we owe our parents A GREAT DEAL. May Allah grant them Jannah. Ameen.

2.  A special prayer for our parents. Past and Present. Wherever they are, whatever they are doing may Allah keep all our parents so safe and away from harm. As children, we owe our parents so much. I don’t think I could do for my kids, what our parents did for us. I hope Allah grants them Jannah. Ameen

3.  They raised us with such love & commitment. I hope we are showing them the same love and commitment today. When we were young they walked slowly so we could keep up, in their old age let’s not walk too fast so they can’t keep up. May Allah grant my parents and your parents, past and present the highest level of Jannah. Ameen

4.  Fathers aren’t perfect but neither are we. One thing is for sure our fathers have loved & protected us when we were young & helpless. They did more for us than we can possibly imagine. May Allah protect my wonderful father & may Allah protect your father too. Tonight HOTD remembers fathers. May Allah bless them all with Jannah. Ameen!!

5.  Past or Present. May Allah grant us the patience to deal patiently with them in their old age as they dealt patiently with us when we were small and young. May Allah always bless them and reward them for loving and protecting us. No-one is perfect. But we owe our parents A GREAT DEAL. May Allah grant them Jannah. Ameen

6. Let’s make a special dua for our mothers. For our gorgeous amazing loving mothers. Who do so much for us. Who have sacrificed so much for us. Who put up so much from us! Do we ever tell them how special they are? Maybe we should. Today HOTD is praying all mothers (and fathers) receive Allah’s blessing and that as children, we all appreciate them every… single…. day….Ameen!

7. May Allah keep our parents away from harm. May Allah give us the patience to deal with them in their old age as they dealt with us in our young age. When we were small and couldn´t walk fast our parents slowed their walking down to suit us, are we slowing our walking now to suit them as they are old. May we never forget how much they have done for us. Ameen

8. Tonight let’s make a dua for someone really special. I mean, really REALLY special. Our wonderful Mother. Whether past or present, may Allah bless our amazing mothers with Jannah. May Allah give us the intelligence & Imaan to really look after them. Tonight Hadith of the Day pays tribute to all mothers and prays Allah grant them Jannah. Ameen!

9. We all love our parents. I make a dua this evening that all our parents, past and present enter Jannah safely. Ameen.

10. Today let’s make a special dua for our mothers, Past or Present. May Allah bless them with Jannah. May we never forget how much our mothers have done for us when we were small & helpless. Are we showing them the same support & love? Today I make a dua that Allah keeps all mothers safe. Ameen!

11. Tonight let’s make a special dua for our Mothers. Not only have they loved & protected us all our lives, but they’ve kept us safe. When was the last time we all sat our mothers down & said ‘I love and appreciate you’ Just imagine how happy that would make our mothers. So may Allah bless all our mothers, past and present with Jannah because no-one deserves it more than they do. Ameen.

Sunday 5 April 2015



To the woman that loved me before i was born
to the woman that held my heart
long before it had formed
to the woman who was left sleepless from dusk until dawn
with weakness upon weakness for nine months long
telling herself it would all be worth it soon as she rest assured
for when she finally made it through to that hospital ward
it was love at first sight
the second she saw me
i mean she’s the type that would give up her only slippers just to make sure
that my toes were warm
she would always favour me despite the fact she always needed it more
she would
wake up early every single morn
to stand freezing in the cold, hanging up the clothes we had worn
standing at the stove for hours
cooking bowls of food, we would swarm
and whenever we weren’t home
her heart would be torn
i mean she can never ever sleep whenever we were gone
she will stay up all night next to the phone although i would never call
so she sends me text messages
Please, I can’t sleep..just let me know that you’re safe and secure
and whenever i was sick
she would always know what was the cure
i mean the love she gave to me was the best medicine that was pure
a prescription of tea honey and handmade lemonade
what more could I ask for
all praise to the Lord
you did it all for me and not once ever asked for a reward
i mean
i still remember the nights when i was small
i could never go to sleep until i would call to you from out the bedroom door
3atini wa bawsini, tuck me in and kiss me please
and you would
always be there for sure
the love you gave to me for all these years its impossible to ignore
i love you, Ya Yumaa
(i love you, Mum)
and i’m sorry I’ve never told you all this before
i’m sorry for everything Mum, i’m sorry for it all
i’m sorry for leaving you as soon as you taught me how to crawl
i’m sorry for saying
every time you would ask me to complete a simple chore
it doesn’t make me less of a man to give you a hand
whenever your arms get sore
i’m sorry again and again for all the promises i fell short
and i’m sorry i can’t give you the life you wish for
the car you dreamt of and the countries you wish to explore
but most of all
i’m sorry for all the pain that i caused
for the nights you didn’t sleep and for all those missed calls
for all the fights we had and for all the broken walls
the dirty room with the messy floors and for the clothes that weren’t packed
back into their draws
and for all the sacrifices you made that i never once ever recalled
like when you became my mother
it meant that you had to move away from yours
i know how much you love her, and miss her and i know it cuts you deep like a  sword
but if it was up to me i’d let you see her as much as i can afford so i
promise to make it up to you
and become the son that you’ve always adored
from now on
so forgive me ,forgive me for it all
forgive me for everything i’ve ever done
ever since i was young, stupid and dumb, just looking to have fun
dear Mum
i love you , i love you
i promise to never put anybody else above you nor let anybody come in between
and even if i get married i promise you will always be my Queen
because there’s no words in this world that can let you know how much you really
mean to me
nor is there
anyway in this world that i could ever repay you
so instead i pray every day for you
that Allah has mercy on you
the same way you had mercy on me
and i have one last request for you before you leave
since Allah put Paradise beneath your feet
please ask Allah to let Paradise be the place where we
finally meet